
Wednesday, 31 May 2017

4 fun facts about ducklings


  1. dear Maddison
    i really liked your duck facts the first slide was funny!!! and i liked the boarder some of the facts you did i did to because they were really good ones

  2. Hi Jensyn,
    Thanks I really like the first slide
    as well because of the ducks waging
    his tail

  3. Hi Maddison,my name is Breeze I go to Red Hill school. I like your 4 fun facts about ducks slide show. I didn't know that male ducks had green heads and female ducks had brown heads. I thought it the other way around thank you for helping me.

  4. Hi,my name is Compton. I really like this post now I know a some facts about ducklings. Thank you for sharing I really enjoyed it.
